Inside Dentistry -January 2020 Issue - Safely Bend Needles
We'd like to thank Inside Dentistry for featuring the TNN Needle guide in their January 2020 issue.
Read the article below:
Safely Bend Needles for Improved Injections with the TNN Needle Guide
In the last peer to peer, I discussed why I use the Septoject Evolution 30 ga short needle. Because of my commitment to that superior needle, I invented a custom device called the TNN Needle Guide to allow you to safely bend a needle. Each guide is pre-sterilized for single use and there is a groove to apply the device to cannula of needle to protect against needle stick injuries.
The TNN Needle Guide was created to increase visibility, stability, control, and safety in performing Mylohyoid, PDL, and Intraosseous injections.
A bent needle with the TNN Needle Guide gives me an elbow of control to not only push in but to pull out the needle like a push pin. It allows two-handed leverage without touching the needle. The sporty clear blue color helps with visibility of both the needle and the target. For example, in a Mylohyoid injection I can now see, access, and deliver anesthetic to the deep lingual of lower second and third molars.
On PDL injections the TNN Needle Guide gives me three advantages. First, it allows me to see around the crown with proper needle length and an ideal 90 degree angulation. Second, it allows me to align the needle with the long axis of the tooth. Third, it encourages force to be applied directly to the Guide for stability for deeper penetration and less flush-back. Multiple penetrations are possible with the push in, pull out handle of the TNN Needle Guide. The outcome is an easier and superior PDL injection.
That brings me to the Intraosseous injection for which the TNN Needle Guide was primarily invented. The needle can be bent, even kinked without restricting flow. It provides stability and control for osseous penetration of the buccal plate without drilling. Of course, much depends on technique and bone quality as taught in TNN or the TuttleNumbNow kit. The kit provides samples of the TNN Needle Guide and is a one-time purchase to teach a new injection and protocol. Learning TNN Protocol minimizes IA blocks and waiting time. It is effective on tough-to-numb teeth. In the past, Intraosseous injections using Stabident and X-TIP have had issues which prevent them from being considered for primary injections according to the American Association of Endodontists. Now that we have the TNN Needle Guide the cost, drills, ports, risks, and hassle of Intraosseous injections are greatly reduced.
It’s a fun and effective way to practice. I don’t use nitrous or sedation, and I do a lot of surgery. I use TNN Needle Guide daily for every lower molar. They allow me visibility, stability, control, and safety in performing my injections. I no longer wait for people to get numb. The Evolution Needle paired with the TNN Needle Guide and technique allows me to “set down the syringe and pick up the drill” with confidence.