Dentists everywhere are trained to give an injection and then wait. The problem is when the patient doesn’t get numb, dentists question what to do. With TuttleNumbNow, there is no guesswork. There is immediate feedback and immediate assessment protocol.
We discovered an intraosseous injection with a standard needle, invented a needle guide and syringe, and established a systematic approach to numbing.
TuttleNumbNow is a revolution developed by Dr. Tuttle to guide you through local anesthesia and tough-to-numb cases.
When you buy a TuttleNumbNow Personalized Training Kit you will get immediate access to training videos and a kit with starter materials will come in the mail.
The TuttleNumbNow Personalized Training Kit includes
- Over 40 Minutes of In-Depth Training Videos on USB
- Training Booklet
- TuttleNumbNow 10 Step Technique
- TuttleNumbNow 10 Shot Protocol
- Patient Charting Recommendations
- TNN Needle Guides
- Recommended Needles and TNN IncreMental Syringe
Dr. Tuttle started off by inventing a localized intraosseous injection that instantly got patients numb. He was able to “set down the syringe, and pick up the drill.” He patented this technique and has taught dentists around the world.
To assist the TuttleNumbNow technique, we also distribute the TNN Needle Guide. The TNN Needle Guide delivers versatility, improving visibility, range of motion, angle of entry, and stability.
Frustrated with all the different approaches to numbing and tough-to-numb teeth, Dr. Tuttle decided to come up with an effective, efficient and orderly manner for local anesthesia.
Dr. Tuttle quickly realized TuttleNumbNow is more than one injection… it’s a complete protocol. With the TuttleNumbNow system, Dr. Tuttle trains you for precise injection site, type, needle, drug, vasoconstrictor, and dose for your patient. It’s everything you need to get your patients numb.
When you purchase the personal training kit, you also gain access to tips for patient charting and how to simplify the anesthesia process from beginning to end. It’s a complete solution for local anesthesia.