Hands-On Event Reservation Ticket - TuttleNumbNow Personal Training


Reserve your spot today for a TuttleNumbNow (TNN) training in your local area. 

Elevate your skills and expertise with our interactive TNN Hands-On Training Workshop with Dr. Tuttle.

Designed for dental professionals to learn the TNN technique from the inventor Dr. Tuttle.

The workshop offers a unique opportunity to engage in practical, real-world clinical training under the guidance of industry experts.

Key Features of the Hands on Training Include: 

Live Demonstration

  • Real-Time Application: Dr. Tuttle provides a live demonstration of the TNN technique, showing the step-by-step process on a model or volunteer participant. 

Personalized Hands-On Practice

  • Direct Practice: Dentists practice the TNN technique on other participant dentists allowing them to apply what they've learned in a controlled setting.
  • One-on-One Coaching: Dr. Tuttle and his assistants offer individualized feedback and guidance, helping participants refine their technique and address any challenges.

Advanced Techniques & Case Discussions

  • Complex Case Exploration: Introduction to advanced applications of TNN, including handling complex dental cases and modifying the technique for specific patient needs.
  • Interactive Q&A: Participants engage in discussions with Dr. Tuttle about advanced scenarios and challenges, deepening their understanding.

TuttleNumbNow Complete Kit System

  • A comprehensive kit designed to facilitate the TNN technique, including syringes, needles, and other essential components.
  • Ensures that participants can immediately apply what they’ve learned in their own practices.
  • Detailed guides and step-by-step instructions tailored to individual learning needs.
  • Visual aids and reference materials to reinforce the techniques covered during training.

Certification & Feedback

  • Certification: Participants receive a certificate of completion, recognizing their proficiency in the TNN technique.
  • Feedback Mechanism: Opportunities for participants to provide feedback on the training, ensuring continuous improvement of the program.


Program Training Overview

Introduction & Overview

  • Welcome & Introduction (5 minutes)
    • Brief introduction by Dr. Tuttle.
    • Quick overview of the TuttleNumbNow (TNN) system and its significance.

Theoretical Training

  • In-Depth Technique Review (15 minutes)

    • Detailed explanation of the TNN technique.
    • Advantages of intraosseous (IO) as a primary injection method.
    • Identifying the right candidates for TNN.
  • Anatomy Refresher (10 minutes)

    • Quick review of relevant dental and jaw anatomy.
    • Identifying landmarks for injection.

Hands-On Training

  • Demonstration by Dr. Tuttle (20 minutes)

    • Live demonstration on a model or volunteer.
    • Step-by-step guidance with real-time explanation.
  • Participant Practice Session (45 minutes)

    • Dentists practice the TNN technique on participants.
    • Dr. Tuttle and assistants provide one-on-one guidance and feedback.

Advanced Techniques & Applications

  • Exploring Complex Cases (10 minutes)
    • Introduction to more complex dental cases where TNN is applicable.
    • How to modify the technique for different patient needs.
    • Quick Q&A session on advanced applications.

Patient Interaction & Communication

  • Managing Patient Expectations (10 minutes)
    • How to explain TNN to patients.
    • Addressing common patient concerns.
    • Ensuring patient comfort and satisfaction.

Wrap-Up & Certification

  • Review & Recap (5 minutes)

    • Summarize key points and techniques learned.
    • Open floor for any final questions.
  • Certification & Feedback (5 minutes)

    • Participants receive certification of completion.
    • Collection of feedback for continuous improvement.


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