Dental Toolbox Genius Summit

Dr. Tuttle is participating in the 2023 Dental Toolbox Genius Summit. Many have said they are grateful to have TuttleNumbNow as another tool in their toolbelt when it comes to local anesthesia and tough-to-numb patients. Register for the FREE event here

Glidewell Dental Hosts Tour for TuttleNumbNow

Incredible tour of Glidewell Dental for the TuttleNumbNow team today. 

Exceptional facilities helping to advance dentistry and dental education. 

Thank you for having us! 

Hands-On in Texas

Hands-on training with dentists in Texas. Hosted by an endodontist that caught the vision and wanted more dentists to learn the technique. Thank you Texas!


2023 Dental Toolbox Genius Summit

Interview with Dr. Asma Shareef today!

Dr. Tuttle is a featured speaker at the 2023 Dental Toolbox Genius Summit, and it will air November 11.

Stay tuned for the interviews with fellow dentists and a free gift!

New Study Published Regarding TNN

A new study published today in the Journal of Dental Anesthesia and Pain Medicine Vol. 23, no. 5 (October 2023) "Bending 30-gauge needles using a needle guide: fatigue life evaluation" 

A previous study found that a 30-gauge needle fractures after four to nine 90° bends. This fatigue life study evaluated how many 90° bends a 30-gauge dental needle will sustain before fracture when bent using a needle guide. A big win for the TNN Needle Guide!  Click here to see the study.

TNN Needlge Guide

Dr. Stanley Malamed Mentions TNN in Utah Lynn Powell Lecture

Dr. Stanley Malamed was invited to speak at the 5th Annual Lynn Powell Lecture Series in Utah. Dr. Tuttle was in attendance and was thrilled to see TuttleNumbNow discussed in connection with several methods of local anesthesia. 

Dr. Malamed is an acclaimed speaker and expert in local anesthesia. He has published several textbooks on the topic, and is highly accomplished in the world of dental anesthetics. This was a big day for TuttleNumbNow!

TuttleNumbNow Invited to Speak at UDA

Dr. Greg Tuttle has been asked to speak at the Utah Dental Association Convention in February 2024. We would love to see you there!

A great chance to hear ALL about TuttleNumbNow! 

Register today! 


TuttleNumbNow Trains Mortenson Dentists in Savannah

TuttleNumbNow was invited by Mortenson Family Dental for a hands-on training in Savannah, Georgia this week. We love hearing from dentists and their excitement as they learn the technique for the first time! 

Mortenson Dental Hands-on in Kentucky

Mortenson Dental group hosted a training for their dentists and invited the TuttleNumbNow team out to Kentucky. The hands-on experience adds tremendous value as dentists can see and experience the injection.